Friday, July 18, 2008

What The Thornhill Seller Sells, What The Thornhill Buyer Buys

Putting your house on the market in Thornhill? Fine. But, for a few good reasons, be sure to engage the "right" real estate agent. First, one needs to put some distance between the prospective Thornhill buyer and Thornhill seller. When prospective buyers come to see your property, they're not looking at YOUR house. What the see is THEIR home; what THEY can make of it... how THEIR furniture will fit and how THEIR family will use the space. That would-be buyer isn't really interested in how you live in your Thornhill home but in how HIS or HER family will.
Gitta Levi, as a top selling Thornhill real estate professional, qualifies each prospect before she shows your home. Gitta does not show the house to just anyone who calls. She meets the prosective purchasers in her Thornhill office and qualifies them as to their interest and ability to purchase. You'll only see those prospective buyers who really need and want a Thornhill house or condo like yours. And Gitta knows how to show the property, emphasizing the features the buyer wants, not those the seller thinks are important. Part of the qualifying process is communication; the ability of the agent to separate what the Thornhill purchaser expresses from what he/she actually means. It's the skill, experience and talent of Gitta Levi to communicate effectively and get precise insight into what the Thornhill buyer is actually looking for that will determine how quickly and effectively a match can be achieved.
A sad truth that experts can point to regarding real estate advertising in Thornhill is that only about three percent of the people who call to inquire about a property are really interested in it. Some can't afford it. Some really want something else. And some are "just looking".
Other than the technical know-how required in selling real estate: marketing, financing, legal matters, etc., its "people skills", the understanding that Thornhill sellers and Thornhill buyers are individuals with their own specific needs and aspirations, that deifferentiate one agent from the next. And, while it may appear that all agents can deliver the same service and performance, it is that undefinable quality of being sensitive to and astute in "reading people" that makes Gitta Levi a more effective go-between than another.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Thanks for providing really good information regarding real estate.

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